The Third Eye Chakra, or 6th Chakra, also called the Brow Chakra is located between and slightly above the eyes and is a disk of white/blue/indigo light, spinning quickly in a clockwise direction and facing both frontwards and backwards. Called the Seat of Intuition, it is the center for inner wisdom and vision.
Emotional Intelligence, open mind, impersonal mind. Ability to trust and act on internal direction. Intellectual abilities and skills, ability to evaluate conscious and unconscious insights, receive inspiration, express creativity. Non judgmental.
Hyper and Hypothyroidism, Thyrotoxicosis, sleep disorders, Seasonal Affective Disorder, depression from lack of serotonin, headache, migraine. Responds well to full spectrum light treatments.
Pineal gland, ears, eyes, eyesight, first cervical vertebrae, skull, face, nose, forehead, bones on top of head, pituitary gland and the regualation of all glands and melatonin and serotonin.
Assist one in moving to deeper levels
Herkimer Diamond
Lapis Lazuli
Helps to strengthen the thyroid and parathyroid glands, brings about cleansing, and deep, detached thought
Helps balance and calm - and great for deep healing work
This is the area of dreams, imagination, visualization and intuition. "As you think, so you become" is the saying that expresses the theme of this chakra. Herein is the combination of what we know and what we believe to be true together as the energy of our mentality. The state of our fears, experience, memories and facts come together to be our wisdom. The development of detachment is in this chakra.
SYMBOLISM: The white circle (the void), the downward pointing triangle, the quarter moon
The growth of spiritual bliss is evident here as the pineal gland begins to resonate with divine light and stimulates the rise of Kundalini energy. When the Pineal and pituitary glands are activated by divine light they will link as a polarity and become a communication channel with higher spiritual levels. This enables an exchange of information (clairvoyance). Clairaudience, channeling, spirit guides, and astral travel are all associated with this chakra.
Place a lit candle about 3 feet in front of you in a dark room (if possible). Relax and withdraw slowly from your senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and physical consciousness. Draw your attention into the center of your head and with eyes open in a soft gaze, look straight at the candle flame. Keep your eyes focused upon it. When you need to close your eyes, turn them upward to the position of the Brow Chakra in the center. You will see an image of the flame there in your inner sight. Visualize it intently, and look at the candle periodically if you need to in order to keep the image. Breathe and relax and bring yourself back to your day.
This simple technique only requires you to visualize around a tree. In natural surroundings, find a tree that is silhouetted against the sky, some distance away from you. You can do this at anytime but sunrise and sunset are the most vivid. Look toward, but past, the tree into the far distance and eventually you will spot the tree's energy field.
If you do not have a diamond, use a Herkimer diamond. For activation of the third eye chakra it is important to start out with a clear vision of what you intend. Rub your Third Eye area briskly. Lie down, placing the diamond on the Third Eye area and relax. If you are ready for it the crystal may assist in bringing you visions and guidance. Also you can rest two diamonds on either side of your head, level with your temples, and bring more power and light to your session.